Friday, February 18, 2011

Almost Ready To Party

So a few weeks ago, Stephanie found this yucky toy box at Salvation Army.  White wicker with a pastel liner.
It was a good find, though!  For Lydia's birthday, I wanted to make her something since things are a little tight.

My wonderful husband and baby decided to help with the project - couldn't do it without them!

Well, we got it painted and lined it with some new fabric.
We also put foam on the top so it wouldn't be as rough and "wicker" like.

So here is the final product!  

We're taking this to her birthday party so we can load all of her toys in it to bring home!

I'm very impressed with our project... well, at least one of them...

Anthony has a special one he's still working on... to be continued...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What A Week!!

This week is BUSY!

Sunday at church my husband and I kicked off a 40 day prayer "wait and see what God says".  We are unsure of a lot of things in our future and the only way we're going to get through it is with His help.
Sunday night we met with our Discipleship group and were encouraged yet again.  I love that group of people!

Monday was Valentine's Day.  Lydia's 1st Valentine's Day. 

This bear came all the way to us from my mom and dad in St. Louis!  

Valentine's dinner was stupendous!  I spent the evening with my great friend, Rachel.  She is so encouraging and challenges me at the same time.  We always have a good time when we're together.  

Today is Tuesday, which is pretty mellow.

Tomorrow is Wednesday and we have youth on Wednesday's.  Absolutely love those kids and our time together.

Thursday is Mellow.

Friday is the day before Lydia's 1st birthday.  WHAT?!  1st BIRTHDAY?!  Yep, it's true.  I can't believe it.  Rachel is coming over to help me with cupcakes and finish up some decorations.  I can't believe it's been a year since we were headed to the hospital to deliver our little baby into the world!

SATURDAY IS THE BIG DAY!!   Food, friends, fellowship, and a little birthday girl! 

Pictures soon to follow!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Have You Heard?

We had a blizzard here in the midwest!  I had to call in to work today because my wonderful husband and I spent 20 minutes trying to get out of the cul-de-sac this morning around 7:30am.  This picture doesn't show the depth of the snow because all of the driveways in the area slope down into the cul-de-sac and the drifting snow last night piled our street to a total of 2 feet of snow! 

So here is a photo of my husband and beautiful sister-in-law shoveling our neighbors driveway so she can get to work.  They are wonderful.  She may or may not make it to work, but all power to her!

While they were shoveling, Lydia and I were playing!

She will turn 1 in a few short weeks, I CANNOT believe it!!!!